About Me and This Blog

Engineer, maker, crafter, do-er… I basically just like to make things.

I’m an engineer here in Melbourne, Australia. I studied Science, Computer Science and Mechatronics Engineering but I currently work in Salesforce development in the software domain.

I also have about a billion hobbies which mostly revolve around “making stuff”. I decided to create this blog both as yet another project for myself and to keep a record of what I did so I can refer back more easily and keep my notes a little more organised.

I’m not a writer and really created this for myself so my apologies if it’s not the greatest blog ever but I do hope one day somebody else will get something out of it!

Here’s me showing off my first print fresh off my (then) new 3D printer.


About Me

Engineer, maker, do-er...
I basically just like to make things.
