I completed two Final Year Projects for my Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) and Computer Science degrees.
For Mechatronics I was part of a 3-person team who built a Smart Home system which had the following features:
- A Node.js server running on a Raspberry Pi (Linux).
- A SQL database to record the data also on the server.
- Automated testing on the server using Knex and Mocha.
- Communication with the modules via HTTP and a RESTful API.
- A package box module using ESP32 chips, a MFRC522 RFID reader, a keypad and a 16x2 screen connected using the I2C interface.
- A heating and cooling system implemented mainly by my groupmate which also used an ESP32 with a small fan and cooling pad.
- A garden watering system which actuated an electric water valve implemented by a groupmate.
- A lighting system also implemented by a groupmate.
For Computer Science I was part of a 10-person team who built a Smart Parking solution for a future of Smart Cities to allow people with disabilities to find, book and use car parking. I was on the back-end team and also implemented the hardware demo. The overall system had the following features:
- A Node.js server.
- A SQL database.
- Automated testing with Knex and Mocha which integrated with Jenkins for a CI/CD pipeline.
- An Android app which communicated with the server using a RESTful API.
- An Angular web interface which also used the RESTful API allowing the configuration of the system.
- A hardware demo using ESP32s and small 9g servo motors to demonstrate the functionality of the whole system (…using Lego cars!).