Testing the LED Cube

Breadboard Setup

The remainder of the parts only took a few days to arrive so I could get started on the main electronics involved in the build. I chose to test the circuit on a breadboard before soldering the more permanent solution onto Veroboard.

Please note throughout this project I was referring heavily to this Instructable

I used female to male connecting wires to connect the 16 wires to the cathodes and 4 male to male connecting wires to the anodes which were attached to the breadboard. The other components were connected in a logical fashion elsewhere on the board.

Breadboard Setup

Breadboard Setup

Breadboard Setup

Programming the ATMega16

In order to properly test the LED Cube, I had to program the AVR which was a major reason I wanted to undertake this particular iteration of an LED cube. I used the manual from Adafruit to guide me through the process.

First I had to download the USBTinyISP driver and AVRDUDE and to test for the correct installation (apart from simply entering avrdude into command prompt), enter command prompt and enter:

avrdude -c usbtiny -p m8 

If the following error shows, it proves that avrdude is installed and communicating with the usbtiny, but is not connected to a chip.

avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
         Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
         this check.

avrdude done.  Thank you.

I used the supplied code from the instructable to first test the cube, to make sure I was programming the chip correctly.

All was working correctly on the breadboard, so I’ll leave the big reveal of the working cube to the prettier Perfboard version!

About Me

Engineer, maker, do-er...
I basically just like to make things.
