Still Painting the Dark Souls Board Game

The Dark Souls Board Game

This is just a short update on my painting progress for Dark Souls. I went on my annual summer holiday to Torquay for 2 weeks and naturally it was crappy weather as usual so woohoo for inside hobbies!

On holiday I didn’t bring my block of wood for fear of ridicule from my family - “…why on earth would you bring a plank of wood?” so I had to get creative - I used an egg carton with the screws poked through the separators to prime and dry the models.

Using the egg container

Using the egg container

The titanite demon was probably the easiest of the lot to paint - the washes and drybrush did most of the work for me and I think it turned out great!

Anyway I was able to paint most of the rest of the base game enemy figures, here you go!

The Dark Souls Board Game

About Me

Engineer, maker, do-er...
I basically just like to make things.
