Refreshing this Blog with Jekyll and Bootstrap 4

After playing with bootstrap a bit for the budget app, and with all of the web development I’m now doing at work I was really dragging my feet in updating this blog.

I made this blog in 2014 when the extent of my web development knowledge was what I learned on Lissa Explains it All (to my absolute delight it’s still around, and still looks the same!) This was back in the late 90’s and used on absolute bangers of websites as Neopets, Geocities and of course my MySpace page. I basically knew enough not to plaster my shiny new blog with amazing animations, javascript jokes and music that you can’t turn off (warning: I’m not joking about the music!)- but not quite enough to make a blog using best practices.

I’m older and somewhat wiser and tring to access my blog on mobile was hurting my soul, so definitely time for a refresh!

All the Sins I wanted to fix

It may not be a great idea to lay out all the ways I’ve failed and/or just been lazy with not fixing these problems as they came up but it’s oh-so-satisfying to see how far I’ve come, so bad ideas be damned, here’s what needed fixin’!

Domain name

My domain name was expiring so I’d have to renew (at exorbitant prices) or change. This one isn’t really a “sin” but still needs attention!


As I mentioned in the intro, a huge source of embarrassment with my blog had to do with how it wasn’t really responsive and was absolutely horrible on mobile. on mobile

…Gross… So that definitely needed to change! on mobile

#nailedit, that’s how images are meant to show on mobile yeah?

Other weird mobile behaviour

The navigation menu also came apart on mobile: on mobile

One or two of my links would lead to my 404 not found page. Definitely need to fix that. on mobile

Formatting issues

The project pages had major alignment issues, I think one of the original referenced fonts no longer existed. on mobile

The text on the drop-down menu of the navbar had lost its coloured formatting and was only visible on hover. Not great for usability! on mobile

The related posts were just the five latest posts, regardless of which post you were viewing. Not as grating as the other problems but still needed to fix. on mobile

Fix: Domain name

I use Namecheap as my domain registrar and my blog domain was coming up for renewal. This is when I discovered that even though I got my initial domain for maybe a dollar, for every year after this the price increases dramatically. It was actually cheaper to move to the .com version instead!

It’s often not recommended to move your domain due to branding, search engine standing and losing absolute links etc. but as I haven’t been actively promoting my blog I saw it as no great loss!

I went ahead and purchased the domain, this time picking a much longer time frame to lock in the yearly price of roughly $10.

I then needed to update the Advanced DNS Settings in the Namecheap console with the CNAME record for my site (hosted on GitHub Pages) and the A records for GitHub.

Advanced DNS Settings

I also updated the custom domain in Settings on GitHub with the new domain and after 24 hours my SSL certificate was enabled so I could check Enforce HTTPS so all traffic would be routed through HTTPS.


Fixing Responsiveness - Upgrade to Bootstrap 4

So now that I’ve outlined how badly I did in the past (or how badly things broke over time…) I should probably get to the fixing.

Lots of these problems were weird CSS issues so I decided to update to Bootstrap 4. The old blog did in fact use Bootstrap - version 2, so there was some responsiveness where the menu moved to the newline, images became smaller sometimes, etc. I was planning to review the whole thing anyway though so I thought I should bring it up to the latest version of Bootstrap and learn how to create a layout properly.

Installation & Theming

I downloaded the source files as I’m using Jekyll which can build the sass files. I unzipped the files and created a _sass folder with a bootstrap-4-5-0 folder inside. I then copied the contents of the sass folder in the source files to that bootstrap folder.

I’m not particularly artistic (or masochistic?) enough to create my own theme so I downloaded and installed the free Pulse theme from Bootswatch to make everything pretty! To install this I just needed to download their _variables.scss and _bootswatch.scss files into my _sass folder. To further customise I also created _bootstrap_customisation.scss where I could put anything I wrote myself so if I was to update bootstrap I could adapt my customisations too without having to sift through the old bootstrap.

Finally, I created a main.scss file inside the assets folder and imported all of the above files like this:

# Only the main Sass file needs front matter 

@import "variables";
@import "bootstrap-4-5-0/bootstrap";
@import "bootswatch";
@import "bootstrap_customisation";

I had to update the Gemfile and run bundle install to install the latest version of jekyll and get rid of all the extra crap I had in there. I ended up just with the github pages version of jekyll.

source ""

gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins

Then I had to clean my environment with bundle clean and update bundle update. Now I can run jekyll serve again without the bundle exec prefix.

I also got rid of all the crap from my _config.yml file, I’m going to add back in the config as I use it. Here’s the cleaned version at this stage:

# Configuration for Jekyll
safe: false
source: .
destination: ./_site
lsi: false
  input: GFM
  syntax_highlighter: rouge
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->

# Configuration for site
title: I Made a Thing!
description: A personal log of the Things I've Made
author: Twulz
baseurl: ""
repository: "Twulz/"
lang: EN-AU

# Configuration for blog
lang: en
paginate: 10
columns: 3
date_format: "%B %d, %Y"
truncate_len: 200
recent_posts: 10

# Configuration for navbar
- name: Home
  link: /
- name: Blog
  link: /blog/
  dropdown: &dropdown
  - name: Archives
    link: /blog/archives
  - name: Categories
    link: /blog/categories
  - name: Tags
    link: /blog/tags
- name: Things
  dropdown: &dropdown
  - name: Engineering Things
    link: /engprojects/
  - name: Miniature Things
    link: /mini/
  - name: Gardening Things
    link: /garden/
- name: About
  link: /about.html

  - Gemfile
  - Gemfile.lock
  - Rakefile

With all of this installed my site finally builds but has no CSS because all of the class names from Bootstrap 2 have changed in Bootstrap 4 - next time I’ll start making it pretty again!

About Me

Engineer, maker, do-er...
I basically just like to make things.
